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DC To AC Inverter Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter in India

DC To AC Inverter

Product Code : JL-PET-1446
Jlab Export is a leading DC To AC Inverter Manufacturer,and suppliers in India

DC To AC Inverter

  • Power Electronic Training Board has been designed specifically for the study of working of inverter.
  • A Battery 12V 80 AH(Any car battery) is required to operate this apparatus.
  • Different test points have been provided to check wave shape and amplitude of pulses how DC supply is changed to AC supply.
  • Practical experience on this board carries great educative value for Science and Engineering Students.


  • To study the multi vibrator circuit to convert DC to AC


  • Four NPN low Power Transistors
  • Four NPN high Power Transistors

The board consists of the following built-in parts:

  • IC-1 & IC-2 to generate AC signals to drive
  • 12-0-12V AC at 4 Amp. Transformer
  • Four NPN low Power Transistors
  • Four NPN high Power Transistors
  • Red, Black and Green terminals for test points
  • Lamp holder and Lamp 40W, 230V
  • Unit is operative on 12 volt 80AH Battery (Any Car Battery)
  • Sufficient quantity of patch cords
  • Good Quality, reliable terminal/sockets are provided at appropriate places on panel for connections/ observation of waveforms
  • Strongly supported by detailed Operating Instructions, giving details of Object, Theory, Design procedures, Report Suggestions and Book References.

Other Apparatus Required:

  • Battery 12V DC 80AH (Any Car Battery)
  • Dual Trace Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 20MHz (Unearthed)

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Office Address

Works: 2475-84,
Hargolal Road,Ambala, Haryana

[email protected]


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